

I don’t know if its just artists’ minds that stumble haphazardly upon ideas, or indeed, whether its just how my mind works, but this post will illustrate an example of how things get made less by planning than by accident.  A recent tidy up in the studio brought...
The Mystery of Making

The Mystery of Making

I don’t know if its just artists’ minds that stumble haphazardly upon ideas, or indeed, whether its just how my mind works, but this post will illustrate an example of how things get made less by planning than by accident.  A recent tidy up in the studio brought...
Little and large

Little and large

Beginning work after a longish gap can feel daunting. What to paint? In which medium? How big? The answer for me in January was to start very small. For several years I have found simple shapes fun to ‘play’ with. I’m not sure why, but there is something that is just...